Easy to use
You’ll be setup and ready to go in only a few minutes.
Create your event and import the sailors and you’re ready for regatta registration.
Issue identifying tags to the sailors at registration

Your sailing regatta will be safer when you use Inosscan for sign on-water and sign off-water
Inosscan is a simple, stand alone phone App
Use a sailor sign on station in the Regatta office
Race Committee and volunteers can use their phones so sign people on and off water
The entire race managment team are always up to date
Sailors are required to attend a scanning station to sign on and off water
Automatically send sign off messages to sailors who didn't sign off water
You’ll be setup and ready to go in only a few minutes.
Create your event and import the sailors and you’re ready for regatta registration.
Issue identifying tags to the sailors at registration
Use a stand alone sign on station in the regatta office or briefing room.
Sailors can automatically sign themselves on-water or off-water with no need for race committee supervision.
Use economical Android mini tablets to create as many automated sign on stations as you need.
Everyone on your Race Committee along with volunteers and selected parents can be allowed access to your account so they can sign sailors on and off water using their phones
Inosscan live updates all devices as sailors sign on and off water.
Invite your entire race management team in to your Inosscan account and give each person the account privileges they need.
Image shows an iOS phone and an Android phone completely in sync.
You can be sure all your sailors are safely back off the water as they have to show up to a scanning station to sign off water.
Compare this to some of the web based systems being used at regattas now, where anyone can sign on or off for anyone else.
The only sure way to confirm a sailor is off water is for them to present themself to sign off water.
Silicon wristband tags or epoxy disc tags are both great options for a sailing regatta. Both are:
There are always a few sailors who forget to sign off water. Have your team search for them and use Inosscan to send them a sign off link. More often than not they’ll sign off with the link well before you locate them.
Most regattas are well run and everyone gets off the water safely each day.
If a sailor goes missing It’s critical that the regatta management team know as soon as possible. It takes time to cross check sign on sheets from multiple rigging sites and errors from web sign on systems can make it difficult to determine who’s actually missing.
The local authorities become very unfriendly when told that a child went missing several hours ago when they should have been told right after the event.
Don’t let this happen at your regatta – use Inosscan for your sailor sign on.
NFC Tags are available from this web site and from suppliers world wide. In most cases tags will be delivered to you within a few days.
With a little more notice you can have tags custom produced for your event. You’ll get more options on tag design including printing with the event branding.
If you need advice on getting custom tags at the right price, just ask us.
For more information about the tag technologies supported by Inosscan see this page.
The list of sailors only needs to contain the sailor’s names in order to be imported into Inosscan. You will need to include their email address or mobile phone number should you wish to communicate with them from Inosscan via email or SMS.
Most regatta management systems allow for the export of competitors details.
Don’t forget to add the crew if your regatta management system doesn’t record or export crew.
Create a single event in Inosscan that uses sessions.
Add a session for each time the boats need to leave the beach and return safely. This will usually be 1 session per sailing day of the event. Don’t forget the practice day.
Your CSV file will need to be in the format required by Inosscan.
Use Excel or your favorite text editor to make any required changes.
The process of importing a CSV into Inosscan is slightly different on Android than it is on iOS. Follow the relevant links below to learn more.
How to import your list of sailors into Inosscan on iOS
How to import your list of sailors into Inosscan on Android
Inosscan wouldn’t be nearly as useful if you couldn’t share it with your team.
You can invite all of your race management team into Inosscan.
It can be useful to designate people to be responsible for sign on and sign off at the various rigging areas you are using. These might be Parents of the children who are sailing. It’s easy to invite these people into your Inosscan account and give them the privileges they require in order to sign sailors on and off water.
When you’re ready to begin signing sailors on water for the day, start a session and ask them to sign on.
You can ask Inosscan to send a sign on reminder to sailors If you included their email addresses or mobile numbers for your sailors.
Everyone in your team will be up to date as each sailor signs on or off water.