A Check-in App that makes it easy to track the safe return of people from events, activities or transport

Ditch the paper checklists, check in sheets, sign on sheets and manual head counts

The features you need

Person check-in icon

Easy Check in / Check out

Use you phone to check people in and out one after the other in no time at all

NFC Tag icon

Use NFC Tags

Use durable economical contactless NFC tags for safety and security

Scan QR Code icon

Use QR Codes

Use QR Codes for flexibility, simplicity and safety

Multi user icon

Simultaneous multi-device check in

Everyone in your team can check people in and out using their own phones and eveyone is always up to date

Unlike other Check-in Apps that are tied to an expensive Event Management System, Inosscan is self contained, easy to use and economical

  • Safety

    With it's physical scanning technologies a person has to present to be scanned at check in. You know they're safe when they scan again to check out of your activity, event or function

  • Simplicity

    It’s all done on your phone, and multi user access allows everyone responsible to check people in and out, or just monitor the activity. No need for expensive hardware or infrastructure for scanning NFC Tags

  • Compliance

    When Government Regulations require you to keep a record showing that everyone has returned safely, like Safe Transport of Children regulations, Inosscan is your simple and economical solution

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Inosscan is the only App of it's type available. It's focus is safety, and it can check people in & out using any combination of NFC Tags, QR Codes and Web Links

Check in using NFC Tags

NFC Tags are cheap, available in many physical forms and are secure.

NFC Tags can be single use disposable wristbands, epoxy tags and key rings, durable silicon rubber wristbands, badges and even rings.

NFC tags are the safest and most secure way of using Inosscan. Unlike other systems, there is no need to buy expensive hardware to use NFC Tags for your event check in's. It's all done using your own mobile device.

Inosscan offers NFC Tags for sale on this website or you can purchase compatible NFC tags from suppliers world wide.

Inosscan & NFC

Check in using QR Codes

Scan QR Codes using your device's inbuilt camera.

  • Inosscan uses a unique QR Code for each person
  • QR Codes can be sent to people via email and/or SMS. QR Codes can be printed or presented using each individual's personal mobile device
  • QR Codes can be exported from Inosscan for printing on sticky labels or badges
  • No need for any hardware other than your own mobile device
  • Download Inosscan and get started immediately using QR Codes
Inosscan & QR Codes

Check in using personal Links

Inosscan can send Scan Links via email or SMS. People follow the link to scan.

Scan links are web URLs which, when clicked, load the Inosscan web app and presents a "Process Scan" button. Clicking this button will process a scan an report the scan results to the user.

Create a Check-in Station or Kiosk

Mount a cheap Android Tablet device in a handy location in your signup area or briefing room and allow people to scan themselves on and off.

A scanning station, or kiosk, supports NFC Tags and QR Codes.

Tablet devices don't usually support NFC scanning which is why Inosscan for Android supports an external Bluetooth connected NFC Scanner.

The Android version of Inosscan has a "Scan monitor" page for scanning station use. The device PIN or Biometric security is required to exit the Scan monitor page to ensure the public can't manage your Inosscan event.

NFC Tags or QR Codes

Which technology is best for your event or activity?

Take a look at our comparison

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Get it on Google Play

How it works

Create an Event

Select "New Event" from the menu on the events page to create a new event.

People won't be able to scan into your event before the start time and after the end time.

Inosscan new event page on iOS - screenshot


Inosscan new event page on Android - screenshot


Import your People

People can be imported into Inosscan using a CSV file.

Add the details of your People to a CSV file and load that file onto your iPhone, or your Google Drive if using Android.

Import the CSV file on iOS or send the CSV file to Inosscan on Android.

Inosscan import CSV on iOS - screenshot


Send a copy of your CSV file to Inosscan from Drive on Android - screenshot


Scan People as they arrive - Check in

Scan people using their unique QR Code or NFC Tag as they arrive at your event or function.

You might scan everyone yourself for a small event. For a larger event, as many of your team as you required can be scanning people with their own mobile devices.

You could also allow people to scan themselves by using a stand alone scanning station.

Another Inosscan scanning option is to send your participants a Scan Link. To scan they simply follow this link in the Web Browser of their mobile device.

Everyone who is coming has scanned iOS - screenshot


Everyone who is coming has scanned Android - screenshot


Check status

Use the scan filter to determine who hasn't turned up yet. Makes it easy for you to determine whether or not you can start.

Inosscan's multi user feature allows both your people on site and in the office to keep track of who you have, and who you don't.

Who are we waiting for? iOS - screenshot


Who are we waiting for? Android - screenshot


Scan People as they leave - Check out

Scan people again as they leave your event.

The scan filter can be used to keep an eye on who's left at your event.

Who's left at your event iOS - screenshot


Who's left at your event Android - screenshot


Confirm everyone is safe

After everyone has scanned out of your event, they're all back safe.

Inosscan keeps a record of when everyone scanned into your event and then again when they scanned out. They can scan in and out of your event several times and all scans are saved for future reference.

Everyone is confirmed back safe with Inosscan


Everyone is confirmed back safe with Inosscan


Video example - iOS

Free Download on the App Store and on Google Play

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Get it on Google Play

Video example - Android

Configure it your way

We call Inosscan a Check-in App and we know you can use it for all sorts of events and activities. That's why you can configure it to suit the way you use it.

Set what the actions are called:

  • Check in / Check out
  • Sign on / Sign off
  • Scan on / Scan off

Status after performing an action:

  • Default: Checked in / out
  • Generic: Signed on / off
  • Generic: Scanned on / off
  • Bus trip: On Bus / Off Bus
  • Boat trip: On Boat / Off Boat
  • Sailing regatta: On Water / Off Water
  • Swimming or Diving: In Water / Out of Water