Manage User Profile

You can view, edit and delete your user information on the "User Profile" page: More > User Profile

Inosscan user profile page on iOS - screenshot


Inosscan user profile page on Android - screenshot


Your password for email login can be changed here. You manage your password with your provider account when you login using Apple or Google.

Delete User Profile

You can delete your user profile from here.

After you tap "Delete User Profile..." Inosscan will analyse your user profile and determine whether you own any accounts and whether other users will be affected.

You will be presented with a summary of what is going to happen should you decide to tap "Proceed with profile deletion"

Delete User Profile - simple

The following screenshots show an example of a user deleting their profile and account and not affecting any other users or accounts.

Inosscan delete user profile page on iOS - screenshot


Inosscan delete user profile page on Android - screenshot


Delete User Profile - multiple accounts and users

The following screenshots show an example of a user deleting their profile and multiple accounts where other users are affected

Inosscan delete user profile page multi account and user on iOS - screenshot


Inosscan delete user profile page multi account and user on Android - screenshot
