Create Inosscan Account

Inosscan will create a new account for you if you haven't previously signed into Inosscan using your email address, Apple or Google account.

Create account with email and password on iOS - screenshot


Create account with email and password on Android - screenshot


Next you need to complete your user profile and provide an account name.

Your account name can be anything you like. Generally it'll be your Organization name.

Create account - add user profile and account name on iOS - screenshot


Create account - add user profile and account name on Android - screenshot

Android top

Create account - add user profile and account name on Android - screenshot

Android bottom

You need to login again after completing your account profile for the system to complete your account setup.

Create account - login to complete account setup on iOS - screenshot


Create account - login to complete account setup on Android - screenshot


When you login again you will be taken to the today page of your newly created Inosscan account.

Create account - new account created Today screen on iOS - screenshot


Create account - new account created Today screen on Android - screenshot
