The easiest way to ensure safe transport of children on a bus trip

The easiest way to ensure safe transport of children on a bus trip

Keeping track of a large number of children when out on a field trip can be challenging. In this article we’ll show you how Inosscan makes it easy to ensure all the children you’re responsible for return safely from their trip.

Whether you're required to by law or not it pays to:

  • Record who got onto the bus
  • Confirm and have evidence that everyone got off the bus at the venue
  • Record who got back onto the bus after the venue visit and cross check that you aren't missing anyone
  • Check everyone off the bus when you return and record that you have everyone back safe from the trip

You can do all this easily using your mobile device with the Inosscan App

With the Inosscan App you can check your passengers onto the bus, determine who didn't turn up and check them off the bus again at your destination.

Inosscan will tell you who is still on the bus, even when it appears that everyone is off the bus based on a quick look in the bus.

When it's time for the return trip, Inosscan will check them back onto the bus and will keep you up to date about who you're waiting for. Check everyone off the bus at the end of your journey when you're back home and Inosscan will tell you that you got everyone back home safe.

On Inosscan we call it a scan

When someone checks in or out on Inosscan we call it a scan.

It's called a scan because we scan the person's QR code or NFC tag.

The steps involved in recording your bus trip in Inosscan

Setup your event:

  • Import all your travellers from a CSV file
  • Print name labels complete with QR codes for tracking

When loading passengers onto the bus:

  • Scan QR codes from labels as children get on the bus
  • Know who you’re waiting for

At the venue:

  • Scan QR codes as children get off the bus
  • Know who is still on the bus
  • Scan QR codes as children get back on the bus
  • Know who hasn’t returned to the bus

Upon return home:

  • Scan QR codes as children exit the bus for the last time
  • Confirm everyone is back off the bus

See how it works

This video shows you how it’s done. There’s a video for iOS and another for Android users.

Inosscan iOS App video

Read the detailed article which shows you how to do this on the Inosscan iOS App

Inosscan Android App video

Read the detailed article which shows you how to do this on the Inosscan Android App
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